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How To Set Up Hand Tracking On Apple Vision ProWalkthrough build of a minimal Xcode project that does hand and head tracking on VisionOS 1.0 and 1.1Mar 12, 2024Mar 12, 2024
How To Import And Organize Your Fitbit DataHow I parse my Fitbit sleep, heart rate, and exercise data for fun self experimentsNov 26, 20231Nov 26, 20231
Accelerated Backtesting With An Index Trick (Algorithmic Trading)Code optimizations for 10x speedup when running backtestsOct 23, 20233Oct 23, 20233
How To Apply Anti-Aliasing in PrusaSlicer Using Gamma CorrectionBrief how-to about PrusaSlicer’s advanced settingsSep 24, 2023Sep 24, 2023
Serial Logging In Processing Using Shell CommandsA language-agnostic method for serial loggingMay 20, 2023May 20, 2023
Candlestick Charts Are BullshitOn the unreliability of candlesticks for stock market forecastingApr 13, 20235Apr 13, 20235
Identifying An Ebay Ruby With Lasers, Magnets, and X-raysConfirming my ruby is really made of ruby using tests you can do at homeMar 12, 2022Mar 12, 2022